Trump vs.Islamophobia
Islamophobia is an attitude that people are not born with; it is an attitude that is taught. It is something brought down through generations, and also shared amongst friends. It is an attitude that shows a lack of knowledge, and it also shows ignorance. As we have been talking about Donald Trump and his views of Syrian refugees, and Muslims, it is no surprise that Islamophobia is a perfect lens to see his statements and thoughts through. “Refugees from Syria are now pouring into our great country. Who know who they are – some could be ISIS. Is our president insane?” (Trump, 2015). A tweet posted by Trump in 2015 where he is very successful in installing a fear of the refugees. Getting people to believe that the refugees are mostly terrorists that want to ruin the great country of America is a tactic that is potentially very dangerous. For a person with such an influence on the public opinion to say that everyone of the Islamic faith are bad and dangerous people, might eventually lead to potentially dangerous situations. And, surprisingly, often it is the Muslims and the refugees that suffer most, not the American citizens that are so afraid. A big question is whether or not the reaction would be different if the refugees weren´t of a Middle-Eastern descent? Would the US have different policies if it were a European country that had to send refugees? Those are questions that we do not have an answer to today, but the assumption would be that, at least the American people would be more open and welcoming towards European refugees than Syrian. Nevertheless, it is important not to forget that there are thousands of Americans that welcome Syrian refugees, and Muslims with open arms and with no prejudices. However, as long as governmental leaders, such as Trump, continue to say things like: “We have no idea who we are letting in” (Jacobs, 2016) there will always be a reason for people to create an irrational fear of people who look or act differently. Creating splits and divisions is never a good solution. Nevertheless, it unfortunately happens on a daily basis, not just in the U.S. but also all over the world.