After talking about the situation with Donald J.Trump and his responses and reaction towards Syrian refugees and Muslims coming to the United States, it is not unreasonable to say that he has an immense power to influence people. Trump has, over the past year, been able to convince a huge number of people that they should be afraid and on-guard when it comes to people of the Islamic faith. It is safe to say that he has been able to “sway” people who might not have had any thoughts about the matter from before, but whom now are clearly against the immigration of Muslims.
Nevertheless, it is important to state that these claims, and these beliefs do not represent the entire American population. There are still people out there with a big heart, and welcoming arms towards people, no matter their origin or their faith. And, luckily, not all those who call themselves Republican agree with Trump on all matters. It is going to be interesting to follow Trump, and see how all of his outbursts in the election will shape and follow him in his period as President of the United States.
In the video below you can see a prime example of how stereotypes and prejudices against others are self-created. If we all knew a little more about our own heritage, we might become more open towards other people in our day-to-day lives. Enjoy!