Final Thoughts
Today there is a huge focus upon how the media portrays the issue of extremism, and how the people of the Islamic faith often are the ones accused. In the western world the role of the Islamic faith is looked upon as problematic. It is seen as something dangerous, and something that is out to destroy the western civilizations. As mentioned in the introduction of this website there are a lot of accusations and fear of Islam that is falsely created. People in powerful positions use their role and authority to install the type of “fear” needed for them to gain what they want. It is a game of power that affects the whole world. It creates unfortunate, and sometimes even dangerous situations. When people feel that they are “threatened” by something, and they feel that nothing is being done about it they tend to take to the streets and become their own masters. It is things and situations like these that can be very dangerous for the prosperity of the peaceful coexistence of religions in the world. It is almost an impossible task, to get everyone to get along. However, if everyone takes a look at themselves first, and then ask themselves how they would feel if someone prosecuted them because of something they did not do, then maybe people would start understanding each other more. Hopefully it is not just wishful thinking.